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Attract Love and Happiness – 10 ways in 10 days to find love in 2019

Last Update : January 7, 2019 by Olivia

Agreement No.6 I attract love and happiness

If you’re already following all the agreements we’ve seen before, you’re probably starting to notice a positive change, but there’s still room for more improvement.

The next step will consist of attracting love and happiness.

But how to do it?
It’s simple!

Start by creating love and appreciating happiness in your life and you will automatically start to attract it!

Let’s see how it works!

Recap of the last 7 days of the Dating Crash course: 10 ways in 10 days to find Love in 2019:

  1. Nurture self-love
  2. Manifest your dreams
  3. Draft your action plan 2019
  4. Redefine Love
  5. Your Kind of Love
  6. The Chemistry of Love

Finding Love by attracting Love and Happiness

You’ve probably already heard of the law of attraction so you probably already know that the more positively you think the more chances you have of attracting positive things into your life.

It is exactly this kind of logic that we would like you to apply to love and happiness.

Let’s practice:

  • Happiness: The happier you feel the more chances you will have to attract more happiness into your life
  • Love: The more surrounded by love you are and the more love you give: you’ll increase your chances of finding love.

Sounds pretty easy and obvious, doesn’t it?

It is such a simple statement yet so powerful.

However, you should keep in mind that it also takes some time to put into practice.

So we recommend you to go step by step and start by asking you some important questions:

  • Are you happy right now? If yes, what makes you happy? If no, what makes you unhappy and how could you focus on the things that make you happy?
  • What is happiness for you? What tools do you use to measure your happiness?
  • Do you feel surrounded by love? or do you feel surrounded by toxic people?
  • Do you think you give love and act with kindness? If not, how could you improve it?

It is very important to take some time to really think about what you understand about happiness.

Happiness, like love, needs to be redefined by you in order for you to find your own happiness.

The thing is that most of the time, we tend to measure happiness in past terms, meaning that we can only see that we were happy when we think of past times, but we really struggle to realize our happiness in the present time. 

So start exercising mindfulness and start identifying your present happiness.

That’s the key to start attracting positive things for you in 2019.

Good luck!

– > Next: Enjoy the empowerment of online dating